the bark of
american lime is brown and smooth, later it is fissured lengthwise.
the bark of
apple tree is gray with small scales and shallow grooves
the bark of
is first smooth and later cracked / fissured
the bark of
quaking aspen is first silver gray and smooth, later fissured lengthwise
the bark of
is silver-gray and smooth
the bark of
is white with dark grooves
the bark of
black poplar is first gray and smooth, later it is black brown and cracked
the bark of
is green brown, smooth and slightly fissured
the bark of
carolina poplar is first white and smooth, later grey brown with deep grooves
the bark of
caucasian lime is brown, smooth and later fissured lengthwise
the bark of
cherry is gray to reddish brown, horizontally detaching thin bark - stripes
with lenticels
the bark of
chestnut is gray / gray-green, first smooth, later elongated groove
the bark of
common lime is brown and smooth, later fissured lengthwise